Luigi Palopoli

Student Office Hours

I just setup my new office hours time slots for the students. THey will be every Friday (except for holidays) from 16.30 to 18.00. You can use my calendar facility to choose a slot. The link to use is

If needed, we can arrange for a remote meeting (notice that this is *not* usually nearly as effective as a physical meeting). The default is physical, so if you need to be remotely connected just drop me an email.

Robot Planning and its Applications Course

Dear students, as you know the course will be online this year. The lectures are scheduled every Monday (from 11.30 to 13.30), and every Tuesday (from 14.30 to 16.30). Please join the moodle community for the course Robot Planning and its application [145874]. All relevant information on the course will be transmitted through Moodle public announcements.

Real–time operating systems course

Dear students, as you know the course will be online this year. The lectures are scheduled every Wednesday (from 11.30 to 13.30), and every Thursday (from 10.30 to 12.30). Please join the moodle community for the course Real time operating systems and middleware [145071]. All relevant information on the course will be transmitted through Moodle public announcements.